Professional Services Forensic Engineering

Identify AI Opportunities to Minimize Error Correction Time, Boost Operational Efficiency, and Foster Profitable Growth 

Our client, a specialty consulting firm, excels in property damage, accident reconstruction, and forensic engineering. They offer 60 specialized services, detailed analysis, and efficient operations.


AI Integration Hurdles, Where to begin?

Our client, a specialty consulting company, focuses on services related to property damage, accident reconstruction, and forensic engineering. Their work involves extensive analysis and the creation of detailed reports. They differentiate themselves with a broad array of sixty or so specialty services, experienced staff, and operational efficiency. 

The client encountered numerous challenges and wanted to leverage AI but didn’t know where to start.


Lack of AI adoption may lead to real consequences

The absence and continued delayed creation of an AI Plan and Contextual Understanding could jeopardize the client’s competitive standing and cause them to miss highly attractive operational efficiency improvements. Without engaging in AI initiatives, the leadership risks falling behind industry trends and losing ground to competitors who capitalize on AI advancements. 

Consequences of not acting include but are limited to the following.

The Results

Prioritized AI Opportunities

Allata’s approach focused on identifying, understanding, and addressing pain points through AI. Here is what we did:

  • AI Knowledge and Insights: Provided a detailed perspective on AI, including an industry view. Efforts were made to align the leadership team’s perspective on AI, ensuring everyone had a similar view of AI’s opportunities and potential risks. 
  • Assessment and Opportunity Identification: Interviewed 19 stakeholders, outlined core operations in terms of the business value chain, identified 36 pain points, and outlined 54 AI opportunities. 
  • Priorities & Profiles: Prioritized 11 key opportunities against a collaboratively developed set of prioritization criteria and developed opportunity profiles for each, outlining detailing use case components, implementation requirements, and change management considerations.  
  • AI Plan: Organized findings in a comprehensive report, inclusive of suggested sequencing, implementation steps, and immediate actions key to capturing AI value. 

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